
This is NOT a Test

Corona Virus. COVID-19.  Social Distancing. Quarantine. The new normal.

You have heard these terms over and over again. We are in the thick of it. Let’s face it, our lives as we knew it 2 weeks ago is completely different than today.  The 24 hour news cycle updates us with each new case and each new death. The easiest thing in the world to do right now is panic. To be honest, that is the new normal. Fear, worry, anxiety…and I refuse to accept it.  I wasn’t normal before and I refuse to be normal now.

Actually, I am somewhat prepared for exactly what is going on today.  My crazy life had me drilling this scenario for years without my knowledge.  Thanks God! Here are are 3 lessons that I have learned that prepared me for the Corona Lockdown 2020.

 A scheduled day is a happy day, especially with my kids.


I was a stay at home mom for 8 years before going back into the workplace full-time.  There were days that I kept the kids on a tight schedule where they were involved in activities, both learning and fun, inside and outside of the home.  They were constantly engaged, even if it was their hour of Curious George they got for the day, and I knew what was coming next. Then there were times where I threw caution to the wind and let it ride.  No schedule, no plan, let’s just see what will happen. Inevitably, there were missed nap times, late dinners and wayyyyy too much TV watching.

Fast forward to 2020.  The governor announces that our schools are initially closing for 2 weeks.  Immediately, I know that in this house, we need a plan or we will all be cranky and insane.  I crafted a schedule that has a healthy balance of schoolwork and fun. They are now old enough to know what is coming next and somewhat self regulate. Now with the announcement of schools being closed for the remainder of the year, we are not freaking out because the last week and a half have been rather enjoyable. 

Cook like they did back in the day, just a little healthier.


We live in a fast food nation. Now I don’t necessarily mean McDonalds or Chick Fil A.  I mean we want our food now. And the fancier the better it seems. However in times like these, we need to take it back to the basics. Our grandparents did not sustain on Hot Pockets, Doritos and Avocado Toast.  They had solid food that rounded out the food groups properly and was prepared with basic ingredients.

If you have the staples in your kitchen like flour, potatoes, rice, beans, meat (vegan or real), vegetables and oil, you can make the other stuff in the house work.  How do I know? Because in the last 2 years, I have done two challenges where I did not spend any money on groceries for an entire month. We only ate what was in the house so if I ran out of bread, I had to make it. If I didn’t have an ingredient for a recipe, I either had to use a substitute or choose a new recipe.  And I made it through both of my no spend months. It wasn’t easy and I had to get a little creative, but it prepared me for today.

We are blessed to have a head start this time.  I have been able to stock up (not hoard) on basic essentials such as rice, flour and potatoes. We purchased all of the ingredients we would need for the recipes I have in mind for the next 1-2 months and yes I even got some snackish type foods for the kids since we have school from home.  This is one part of the quarantine life that I am not too worried about, at least for now.

The budget is our best friend.


Now for me to say that is huge.  In economically uncertain times, money can be a little funny.  Jobs are at risk. Retirement savings are in limbo. Everything is freaking out just a little.  However, my husband and I realize that because of the discipline we have had over the last few years, we are in a pretty solid space.

We paid off all of our debt minus the house, back in 2019.  That is a huge burden lifted off our shoulders. Following Dave Ramsey’s baby steps, we have been working on an emergency fund, for times like these.  In looking at the budget, we can still afford to live, maybe not the exact same way, but live nonetheless.

If you haven’t started a budget, it is never too late!  Now is the time to tell your money how to behave instead of letting it do what it wants to do.  With this discipline, you will feel like your own superhero.

This is a great time to shift your mindset.  Come out of this stronger and with a better grasp on life than you went into it.  I am sure you have had your own trials and tests that have prepared you for these next few months.  Draw upon those strengths and live the not so normal life.

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