
Free Stuff at The Public Library

Libraries are one of my absolute favorite places in the world! There is something about browsing the shelves and the smell that fills the air when you crack open a book filled with new adventures and knowledge. Just the thought of it invigorates me and has since I was a child. So when I had my own children, it was natural that I would introduce them my haven of relaxation and motivation. Unbeknownst to me, there was so much more to this world that I had ever imagined which has helped us save hundreds of dollars!

It was in my quest to find a story time and maybe get a few them books that I learned about all of the services that the public library offers. As I spent more time in different libraries, I realized that the library offers more services than I ever could have imagined. Now thanks to the networking of the library systems, you should be able to find these same services at your local public library, no matter where you live.



Okay, I know this is the most obvious reason to visit the library but it goes way beyond doing research for school. How many times have you gotten hooked on a series of book and you can’t wait to pick up the next installment? How many times has a friend recommended that you read a book to help you build a better business or make a great souffle? Instead of running to your closest Barnes and Noble or pull up the book on Amazon, check out your local library first. You don’t even have to physically go to the library. Most libraries now have a digital catalog on their website and you can place a request to have the book delivered to your closest branch.

Story Time and Classes

Ben White

I am sure you know that every library has story time for the little ones. What you may not know is that many libraries also offer STEM classes for elementary age children and even skill classes for adults. Some of these classes have been a pleasant surprise like “Little Clickers”. This was a computer skills class for preschoolers that had kids who couldn’t even write their names using the home keys, drawing graphics using a mouse and saving Word documents. It was amazing and FREE! No matter how young or old, I am sure there is a class for you.

More than just books


Did you know that most public libraries have a collection of CDs, DVDs and Audiobooks? I know, you might be thinking, I really am not into Hercule Poirot or watching an old 1980’s chick flicks. No worries as most of the movies are up to date and the library tends to keep multiple copies. It’s a lot better than Red Box because it’s free and you can keep them for a week! You can even renew them if the need arises.

E-books and Audiobooks


If you are hooked on your Kindle or you are on the road a lot, the library also has a solution for you. Most major libraries are connected to a system called Overdrive. This system allows you to browse check out thousands of e-books and audiobooks. You can either use their new app, Libby, to read the books or you can send it directly to your Kindle app. I have been using Overdrive for years, especially when I travel and I love it! You can also read current magazines using the Zinio for libraries app.

Movies and Music


Hoopla is another app that is available with a valid library card. This app allows you to check out ebooks, music, tv shows, comics and movies all in one place. Just browsing through, I saw a few newer books like the updated edition of Mel Robbins’, 5 Second Rule (I really do love her) and Diary of the Wimpy Kid: The Getaway which was released in November (another favorite around my house). Just like everything else at the library, this is free! You can also stream over 13 million songs including top hits using Freegal.

Games, Computers and Family Fun


One of the best parts about visiting the library with my kids is that they never want to leave. Whether it is the life-sized scrabble board in the middle of the library or the activities in the children’s area, they always find something to keep them occupied. We have even seen a chess club meeting in the main area on an occasional afternoon. There is free wifi and computers loaded with educational games for the kids and word processing software for the adults.

Other cool services

I think this is the coolest service of all! Our library allows anyone with a library card to use the 3D printer as long as you attend the one-hour orientation. You can also learn a new language using Rosetta Store or research your family tree using the genealogy computers with full access to  

Just recently my library also has wifi hotspots with full service through the Sprint network.  This is perfect if you will be travelling and don’t trust sketchy airport wifi networks.  They have also added telescopes, Osmo and Code-A-Pillars for checkout.  

I am not sure if you knew the library had such a large array of services but now that you do, make sure you use them. Your tax dollars are hard at work and you have access to all of this services for the low low price of nothing. Just sign up for a library card and you are well on your way!

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