Quarantine Chronicles

The Quarantine Chronicles

In case you haven’t heard, there is this little thing called Corona going around the world. Yep, I said it, the entire globe. They say it started Wuhan China and has slowly made it’s way around the world. We first heard about it around November 2019 but as we tend to do here in these United States of America, it didn’t really matter until it reached our shores which was about Januarish.

COVID world map
Photo by Martin Sanchez on Unsplash

I actually take that back, we became intrigued when it hit the Diamond Princess cruise ship and people were quarantined on the ship for about a month. Some those trapped on the ship happened to be Americans. This is when the media stepped in and we heard all about it until the government finally sent a plane to grab our folks off the ship.

So while we were thinking “oh those poor people”, other countries were locking it down. If you weren’t going to get food, medicine or to work an essential job, you had to stay at home. But do you know what we did during that same time? The beaches were packed for spring break, Mardi Gras happened in full effect and they told us don’t buy masks, it’s not that serious. Oh but we did go out and buy something in mass, toilet paper. Yep, 2 ply too. In droves. Couldn’t find that stuff anywhere. Did I mention that Corona is a respiratory illness and not gastrointestinal virus?

toilet paper with glove by Erik McLean
Photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash

So here we are today, in April 2020, with schools closed for the rest of the year, everyone working from home and many people have lost their jobs because restaurants and retail establishments have shuttered their doors in essence of what we now call social distancing. There can not be gatherings of more than 10 people so FaceTime and Zoom are the new norms.

social distancing
Photo by James Lee on Unsplash

So why did I tell you all of this backstory? Well in the midst of this craziness, I have figured out that I have been in intense training with some amazing blessings in between in preparation for such a time as this. I am now adding a new feature to the blog to document these unique times and what it really means to be not so normal.

Stay tuned. If nothing else it should be pretty entertaining.

In the meanwhile…stay home and stay safe.

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