Free 14-Day Trial of Financial Peace University
We are debt-free! I am sure there are many people around the world that wish they could say this right now. WIth the shutdowns due to the Corona virus, many people are finding themselves furloughed or layed off with no emergency fund and a stack of bills. This can lead to fear and hopelessness. However, there is hope in a dark time.
In 2009, I was asked to be the Stewardship Leader at my church. As I was planning my first year of programming, I was introduced to Dave Ramsey by by husband who listened to his radio show. I enrolled in the Financial Peace University program and within the first year, we completed the program and became facilitators. WIth a few up and downs (a story for another post), we paid off everything but the house and we have a savings for uncertain times, like now. We are blessed to have a plan just in case.
Unfortunately, there are more people who don’t have a plan than those that do. Now that so many of us have extra time on our hands, take this opportunity to get yourself and your money together! It is time to tell your money what to do instead of having your money run you.
The Financial Peace University program emphasizes on saving for emergencies (like now), paying off all your debt and building wealth. In working with families through this process I can attest to the fact that it changes lives.
We have seen people of all ages and incomes make huge strides which I am sure they are grateful for today. It is not easy and requires you to make mature adult decisions every day while in the process, however on the other side, it gives you the freedom to do more with your money.
Due to the current financial climate and the jump in the jobless numbers, Dave Ramsey is offering a free 14 day trial of the online FPU program. He has never done this before. As a matter of fact, on the recording of his show, he said, “Sign up, binge watch all 9 lessons and cancel for all I care, as long as you get out of debt.” If you find the class is worth it, I would continue the membership because it really does take a village to hold you accountable.
So if you want to make a change. If you wish you were in a better financial position. If you can see your world crashing down around you or want to make sure your world doesn’t crash down around you, start here. Sign up for today, watch the lessons and do the work. Trust me, you will thank yourself later.